Royal Express Car Wash


Can be used for both Tunnel and Touchless Automatics!

Gift Card

Gift Cards

Our Gift Cards make giving the gift of a clean car easy and convenient. Not only are they great for birthday gifts and stocking stuffers, they are a great value for your money.

NOTE: If you would like a different amount, please come into the office!


Royal Express Car Wash

Looking for a 24/7 car wash in Evansville, Indiana? We’re right off the Lloyd Expressway (IN-62)—just minutes from Downtown Evansville, and the University of Southern Indiana (USI). We’re located on Pearl Drive, next to the west side Hacienda and across the road from Buffalo Wild Wings.

5406 Pearl Drive
Evansville, IN 47712

Express Tunnel Open 7am- 9pm
Touchless Bay open 24 hours
Self Serve Bays open 24 hours
*Weather permitting


Location Map

From the direction of Downtown Evansville:
Head west on the Lloyd/IN-62; turn left onto Red Bank Road, then turn right onto Pearl Drive—we’re on your left.

From the direction of USI:
Go east on the Lloyd/IN-62; turn right onto South Boehne Camp Road, then turn left onto Pearl Drive—you’ll see us on the right.

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